
Z_dreams, 2023

Mixed media, clay, artificial intelligence, acrylic paint.


“Z_dreams” is part of a larger project titled “Crash Test,” which stems from a striking childhood memory: a car accident I witnessed on the highway. This event, deeply embedded in my memory, served as the starting point for an artistic exploration of raw sensations and conflicting emotions experienced during that traumatic moment.

The project “Vivid Crash” (part of the “Crash Test” constellation of works) is an ongoing video game in which I intertwine factual elements with layers of fictional narratives, introducing the ghostly presence of anonymous victims, whose existence is only hinted at through the cracks of reality.

“Z_dreams” is a variation of this project, a piece in which I have used artificial intelligence to generate a series of enigmatic images. These images are an assemblage of memories from violent dreams, fragmented impressions of video games, and visual echoes inspired by religious art. This blend of references creates an alternative dimension, an in-between space where these ghosts, avatars of presumed victims, seem to wander.

The use of artificial intelligence has allowed me to materialize these hybrid visions, giving them a visual texture that oscillates between the sacred and the digital, between the tangible and the immaterial, offering a glimpse into a world where the boundaries between memory, dream, and reality dissolve.



Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Z_dreams, 2023, Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves