
Nemathelia, 2024

Series of 5 formats (35 x 45 cm), oil painting, wood, 3D printing, video.

There is a theory that having ocular migraines is the manifestation of entities living in alternate realities who come into contact with us through the temporary alteration of the visual field. Here, Nemathelia is a body of work that brings together 5 portraits of characters in the form of oil paintings, and a video that «animates» these paintings by infusing a story based on this theory. These characters are based on several images found on the internet and mentally blended.

Nemathelia, 2024. Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Nemathelia, 2024. Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Nemathelia, 2024. Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Nemathelia, 2024. Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves
(this is not Barack Obama, just a weird android)

Nemathelia, 2024. Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves

Nemathelia, 2024. Raphaël Moreira Gonçalves